Friday, June 12, 2009


So the bunny needs somewhere to go so ive created a scene for in by editing a picture of a street in london

Here is the final piece. Things to look for... street is grass... giant bunnys... my dog.... sniper in a window, facing a spy from tf2 ( earth and the moon featuring my g/f's face... random posters and graffiti.

It took a while, hope you like it

Here it is....

Final Project Digital Alchemy

ok so i had no idea what to do for this one, but i need a crazy idea... so here it is....

Animals but without heads instead they have the hand gesture that represents it... hard to imagine but here it is:


Heres the poster all together, happy with it has he feeling i was after: (colour is skrewed again, look at the one i handed in)


Ok so i made a 3d model of the noodle box in sketchup so put my images on, took a while to get it all straight as the pohotoshop box web wasnt exact here it is:

getting there

ok so ive done the basic design, still needs some work but its getting there! (cloour screwed up on load)

Next assigment

This assigment is the candy box design. I want to create my own cany based on the brand yupi candy. I want to make gummy noodles and use a noodel box for them to be in. I took some photos of snakes to use as noodles on the packaging, (natural confectionary company snakes)

postcard finished

This is my final post card, reperesenting the differences
and similarities between american and japanese pop art
and pop culture.